
Hate is all that sells

Is it surprising that hate is now all that sells?Because fault always lies with someone else!That we’ve sacrificed every...

Feb 20 · 36 sec read >

Trading My Battle

Would you know if I sobbed all night?Devoid of people from my sight,As in my head, I began to...

Feb 10 · 18 sec read >

Oh Heart so weary

Whilst my strength is growing weary,Whilst my physique is wrinkling slowly,Whilst my strides keep tumbling steadily,Whilst the allure of...

Feb 6 · 21 sec read >

The Praying Hands

Heads Bowed DownHer eyes tightly closedWith no glimpse of a frownPalms together fingers tightened Tears rolled down her eyesDripping...

Dec 24 · 17 sec read >

Why Can’t We

None of us will be around foreverNone of us can quite say neverAll of us around here for just...

Dec 24 · 36 sec read >

Once & For All

T’was a quiet night in Bethlehem.The streets were empty,The shops were closed,The city got ready to sleep. Unbeknownst to...

Dec 24 · 28 sec read >

Race of Life

Along the muddy road,Goes the Rickshaw man,Sweaty and tired,He strives forward,Life is not a gamble to him,Reality was never...

Dec 24 · 18 sec read >

A Year to Remember

Into 2020 mankind did stepKnowing not what is keptIn-store within a month or twoWhen all we could do was...

Dec 23 · 27 sec read >

Pressing Ahead

As we ponder over the year’s endMay we to our own hearts tendAs we did witness a pandemicWhich was...

Dec 22 · 23 sec read >