Daily Digest

Experiencing True Freedom

The end of a military occupancy or a king’s tyrannical reign, overthrowing of a colonial regime, or escaping annexation...

Aug 15 · 1 min read >

Commit to Quit

Committing to quit smoking is not only a decision to safeguard your own health, but also an act of...

May 31 · 1 min read >
quit smoking

Pearls – May 9, 2023

“Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember — the only taste of success some people get is to take a...

May 9 · 5 sec read >
Zig Ziglar quotes

Prioritizing Mental Health for Students

Mental well-being is an important issue that is often undervalued among students. According to the National Association of School Psychologists,...

Apr 12 · 3 min read >
habits to improve mental health

Way to greatness

There was a girl named Jessica who was leading a project in her company. She was very good at...

Mar 31 · 1 min read >
true greatness

Even When it Hurts

The Holocaust Survivor Eddie Jaku was born in Germany in 1920 and was Jewish. Yet, in his own words,...

Mar 22 · 1 min read >
choose to be happy

Recharge the Right Way

Be it a child or an adult, in today’s world all of us are leading a hectic life. In...

Mar 14 · 1 min read >
relax and recharge

Time Boxing

Timeboxing is a technique used by many successful people. It can help you achieve better results in your exam...

Mar 7 · 2 min read >
what is timeboxing

Digital Detox

What is Digital Detoxification? Digital detoxification is the practice of taking a break from technology and digital devices for...

Mar 4 · 2 min read >
Digital Detoxification

Rest for the Restless

Increasing levels of restlessness in society The world is experiencing an unprecedented level of restlessness. Never has there ever...

Mar 2 · 1 min read >
how to overcome restlessness