In a society that frequently feels detached, National Hugging Day reminds us that a hug has the capacity to foster genuine connection.
God’s love is the ultimate hug—it wraps around you and never lets go. – Mariane Williamson
As the quote above goes, its not only the physical hug but also the spiritual embrace which is so important. It transcends physical touch, and provides us with unconditional warmth and tranquility. It reminds us that we are never truly alone. Embracing God’s love is like receiving the most powerful and long-lasting hug. It strengthens us in times of need while filling our hearts with unwavering hope. Just as a hug from a loved one might make our day, accepting God’s love can change our life.
National Hugging Day might seem like the most absurd celebration ever. However, we never actually consider how powerful a hug can be. It is a potent yet beautiful weapon that makes people feel good. Celebrating National Hugging Day is a unique way to spread warmth and joy in this crazy and tough world. We’ve all had bad days or even normal days where we’ve wanted to stay away from everything and everyone. Yet here comes a person with a warm embrace, a bear hug or a comforting hug. Wow! Think of how that may have changed your mood for the better.
Science says that hugging produces oxytocin, the feel-good hormone. The longer the hug, the better and more relaxed a person becomes, even if they just had the most terrible day. Interesting facts like these tell us how we humans crave human interaction and a person who speaks to us warmly.
Don’t worry, we aren’t here to discuss science but to tell you the impact of human connections and most importantly the divine connection. All of us have excuses to make about how busy or burdensome our lives are; however, when was the last time we actually tried to make the world a better place?
Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and even the Son of God – Jesus Christ who came to this earth, saw the people’s needs and had compassion for the people even if they were suffering themselves. It’s not just about the act of hugging. It’s about the intention behind it. Considering our demanding lives, it might seem like the most challenging thing to do, but remember that someone was there for us, too, at our lowest.
So, when you celebrate National Hugging Day, remember the significance of accepting God’s love, which is always available to us. His love, like a physical hug, wraps around us in times of fear, doubt, and difficulty, providing serenity and assurance. It is not simply the warmth of human affection that we require, but also the embrace of God’s love, which sustains us through all difficulties. Take some time today to reconnect with that divine hug and allow it fill you with compassion and strength. Happy embracing from those around you and from God’s everlasting love! Happy embracing!