New Year Resolutions: How to make them work?

Liyachinu Pappachan · 1 min read >
New Year Resolutions

Thoughts about taking New Year Resolutions always come when we approach another year. New year resolutions are commitments or goals that we have decided to accomplish in the coming year. Nowadays, it has become a tradition to decide resolutions at the time of every new year. However, people aren’t able to achieve all of them and find it difficult to accomplish due to various reasons.

It’s always good to set our goals for the upcoming year, months or days so that our path is clear and we can take necessary steps to achieve our goals. Sometimes our goals may fail due to lack of planning or not taking the right steps. There are various ways where we can set our goals and complete them within that year thus not regretting being unsuccessful at them. Let’s look at some steps where we can plan, set and achieve our new year resolutions.

Analyse the need for it

It is very necessary to know the reason why we need to take that particular resolution. This helps us to analyse the importance of it. Your decision can be to workout regularly, to be more disciplined, focus more on spiritual things, etc.

Deciding the new year resolutions

We must decide what resolutions we should take for the upcoming year based on the needs we identified earlier. We may have identified multiple areas which need improvement. But we have to narrow down a few on which we’ll work in the coming year because having too much on our plate can overwhelm us and can lead to not achieving anything.

Planning to achieve the goals

As the saying goes, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Planning plays a vital role as we need to analyse the time and the correct ways in which we can achieve our goals. For this, we have to research and gather maximum information.

Set a timeline for each of your new year resolutions

After planning, set a timeline to achieve it. Break up the goal into smaller steps and set a timeline for each steps. This makes the task less daunting and keeps you motivated when you achieve each step.


Implement the ways which were jotted down at the planning stage by practicing it in day-to-day life. For example, if the resolution was to start working out , then join a gym or start with short workout sessions at home for about 15-30 minutes daily.

By following the simple steps listed above, we can achieve our new year resolutions. So, let’s not hesitate in taking new year resolutions but rather let’s plan out the resolutions hoping and praying that we achieve them before the year dusks.

Helen Keller

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