
Study Efficiently and Ace your Exams

It’s the night before the big math exam and you are S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D!!! You’re cramming, books are everywhere, your friends are begging...

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Pearls – Nov 14, 2022

Always stand on principle even if you stand alone. John Adams

Nov 14 · 2 sec read >
Always stand on principle even if you stand alone. - John Adams

Pearls – Nov 13, 2022

Changing directions in life is not tragic. Losing passion in life is. Max Lucado

Nov 13 · 3 sec read >

Pearls – Nov 12, 2022

The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart;...

Nov 12 · 12 sec read >

Pearls – Nov 11, 2022

If your God is mighty enough to ignite the sun, could it be that He is MIGHTY ENOUGH TO...

Nov 11 · 5 sec read >
If your God is mighty enough to ignite the sun, could it be that He is mighty enough to light your path? - Max Lucado

Pearls – Nov 10, 2022

Its never too late to get back on your feet though we wont live forever,make sure you accomplish what...

Nov 10 · 5 sec read >
"Its never too late to get back on your feet though we wont live forever, make sure you accomplish what you were put here for." - Abigail Adams

Pearls – Nov 9, 2022

The man who walks with God always gets to his destination. Henrietta Mears

Nov 9 · 2 sec read >

Pearls – Nov 8, 2022

Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave...

Nov 8 · 7 sec read >

Pearls – Nov 7, 2022

The presence of fear does not mean you have no faith. Fear visits everyone. But make your fear a...

Nov 7 · 5 sec read >

Pearls – Nov 6, 2022

Gifts and abilities, no matter how magnificent, are either limited or enhanced by character. John Wimber

Nov 6 · 3 sec read >

Pearls – Nov 5, 2022

It is difficult to steer a parked car, so get moving. Henrietta Mears

Nov 5 · 2 sec read >