What is it?

It is the practice of taking a break from technology and digital devices  for an extended period of time in order to recharge, refocus, and  reconnect.

Digital Detoxification Strategies

Set a Time Limit

Set a limit on the amount of time you spend on your digital devices each  day.  Make sure you stick to it and use the extra time to focus on  your studies.

Use Technology Wisely

Look for  apps or websites that help you better manage your time. Disable all the notifications that have the potential to distract you.

Get Some Exercise

Exercise can help improve concentration and gives you added motivation to carry on with the digital  detoxification. Make sure to get your daily dose of exercise!

Connect with Nature

Take a walk, or just  sit outside and take in the beauty around you. This will help you relax, recharge and stay focused.

Take Time for Yourself

Take a few minutes to pray, meditate or just sit in silence. Doing this will help you clear your mind and help you relax.