Wings to Fly

Esther Hembrom · 47 sec read >
 I hear a bird's cry
 'I have wings to fly high.'
 No hurdles to stop me on my way
 Lay out my wings as the sun spreads its ray.
 Oh! I wish to have the utmost privilege
 To tear up the miles by breaking the cage.
 I hear a bird's cry
 'I have wings to fly high.'
 A life free from fear and pain
 All I want is this much to gain.
 Heading on the path by knowing my limit
 And choose to walk by the spirit.
 I hear a bird's cry
 'I have wings to fly high.'
 To feel and think as and when I want
 Denying the utterance of, "No, You can't."
 Smashing the blocks to my forthcoming victory
 Reaching as far as I could, drawing on liberty.
 I hear a bird's cry
 'I have wings to fly high.'
 Take it in turns to bring harmony
 Freedom and high spirits all in synchrony.
 Never giving up for achieving heights
 Oh Yes! That's my world in its shimmering light.
 On the spur of a moment I heard a twitching chirrup,
 Reach for the stars and shine brighter
 You've attained your TRUE FREEDOM so
 Set your minds on the things that is higher!
 Then I saw the bird glide that cried,
 'I have wings to fly high.' 

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