Discover Your Options: Alternatives to a Traditional College Degree

Jemima Mathew · 2 min read >
alternatives to a college degree

Life is full of ups and downs. Some people are able to complete their college degree while some are not. Some people are able to work and study simultaneously while some are not. Some people don’t find college degrees suitable to their personality while some do. Some people just know that college is not for them and look for other things to do. This article is going to be talking about some alternatives to a college degree. Below are some options available for an individual looking for some alternatives:

Online education

Education can be obtained through online resources which enable you to complete at your own pace. The certificates obtained learning these skills can help in getting a job. They can be free or paid. Some examples are Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, Code Academy, Coursera, YouTube and many more.

Vocational school or skill school

This is another option available as one of the alternatives to a college degree. The skills are taught here in a short duration and prepares you to join the workforce directly. Some examples are tailor schools, hair stylist schools, culinary schools and many more.

An apprentice

Being an apprentice is when you get to work as an assistant and learn the skills required from an expert. This usually leads to the individual becoming an expert as well. It takes time but you learn the nitty-gritties of the job and soon become as skillful as the expert.

Content creator

If you have a creative mind, like creating content, and are good at it, this is another option available. You can earn a sizeable income from this. Platforms like YouTube, provide a space to post the videos, which in turn can provide you with money. Income can be made from the advertisements you allow to be showcased in your videos.


This is another option available to content creators. If you like writing and have a creative mind and do not want to go to college, what are you waiting for? Take a paper and a pen and start writing! Create a plot that’s meaningful or choose a topic and write away! You can write books, articles or even blog.


The army is a definite feasible option in case you don’t want to go to college after your twelfth grade or class. It has good benefits as well such as housing provided and a pension after retirement.


Starting your own venture or business one of the other alternatives to a college degree. Find people who can be your mentors. Share your ideas with people who can help you and start your start-up. It might be difficult in the beginning but it will turn out to be profitable later on.

Start working

Entering a company at an entry-level position and then working your way upwards is yet another one of the alternatives to a college degree. This might take some time but it as a good option to consider if you do not want to go to college and want to directly join the work force. This provides you with an insight into the workings of the company at the base-level and helps you in your career – growth.


Another option available to you in-case you are confused whether you want to attend college or not is to intern at various companies and see the environment and whether you want to continue as a part of the workforce at that moment in time or go to college or do something else entirely different.


Volunteering at NGOs and various other societies is another option available. It will teach you life skills as well as help you with personality development. You will be able to meet a lot of people and create connections as well.

These are just some of the options available. There are definitely more options out there. If you are still very confused and want to take a gap year, just go for that gap year. The most that will happen is you starting one year later. That gap year may actually help you with the rest of your life.

To conclude, there is no fixed path. There are many options out there. It’s just the road less travelled.

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