December 31 is a special day for every bibliophile out there. It was on this day of the year 1965 that the author responsible for all our late night binge-reading was born.
Nicholas Sparks, a popular and prolific author of eighteen books (with novels translated into over 50 languages) has the distinction of writing novels that make a reader emotional & teary by the end. Eight of these books are now adapted into movie stories.
Remember the phenomenal, ‘Notebook’? It was inspired by the love story of his wife’s grandparents. Similarly, the death of one of his siblings Dana inspired the main character in the book ‘A Walk to Remember’. Both of these novels were game-changers, not only for Sparks’ career, but also for the whole fiction world.
Each of his novels has some kind of real-life inspiration behind them. It is his ability to touch a personal chord with the reader that has made him so popular over so many years.