Indians arriving in Poland after much struggle from war-torn Ukraine are welcomed by Gruhang Patel, a young man from Ode village of...
Last year, Shankar Ramchandani, a doctor based in Odisha’s Sambalpur, started a ‘One Rupee’ clinic to treat the poor...
On Sunday, Rafael Nadal won the Australian Open crown for a record 21st Grand Slam title. Nadal defeated Daniil...
On Thursday, after 69 years, Air India officially returned to its founder Tata Group. After a meeting with Prime...
On Tuesday, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman proposed in her Budget 2022-23 speech that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)...
The first-ever on-site evidence of water on the moon’s surface was discovered by China’s Chang’e 5 lunar lander, adding...
The shockwave generated by the massive volcanic eruption in Tonga in the Pacific Ocean on Saturday, which was felt...
India wrapped up the South Africa second innings on 191 and won the opening Test in Centurion by 113...
India is seeing a huge surge of Covid cases in the country, which is considered to be triggered by...