Daily Digest

Time Management: Maximize your Efficiency in the New Year

If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first four hours sharpening the...

Jan 9 · 3 min read >
time management

The Joy of Giving: Make a Positive Impact in the New Year

We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give Winston Churchill “You...

Jan 1 · 1 min read >

Loving Can Hurt

We have often read or seen about how joyful love is. It can be any form of love, not...

Dec 29 · 2 min read >

Serve One Another In Love

In a small town, there was a boy named Albin. He was kind to everyone and loved serving others....

Dec 25 · 1 min read >
serving others

Virtual Friendship in the Digital Age

The only way to have a friend is to be one. RALPH WALDO EMERSON “Is it really possible to...

Nov 13 · 1 min read >
virtual friendship

Being Perfectly Imperfect!

There would be no need for love if perfection was possible. Love arises from our imperfection, from our being...

Nov 10 · 1 min read >
unrealistic standards

Life is not a complaint box!

In general, most of us can always see some scope for improvement in our lives, and that may make...

Sep 28 · 49 sec read >
complaining attitude

Finding True Peace

Without finding true peace, there’s no lasting meaning to comfort or success or popularity. We all strive, through the...

Sep 21 · 1 min read >
Finding True Peace

Yearning For Liberation: Embracing a Life of Complete Freedom

As India celebrates 77th Independence day, we can proudly cherish 76 years of our hard earned freedom. India as...

Aug 15 · 2 min read >
Complete Freedom