In a super-fast world, everyone seems to be occupied with their own routine – an early morning jog, the...
“The early bird catches the worm” is probably a favorite quote of aspirants, and one disliked by procrastinators. It’s...
The world can be a very glittery place, with many eye-catching sights and moments. Often times, by looking at...
Most parents are known to love their children unconditionally, sacrifice for their protection and betterment. They experience pure delight...
In a world of about 7.9 billion people, very diverse, we try to “fit in” by identifying our own...
It is said that love arrives unexpectedly. There’s another emotion that bursts out when least expected – rage. It...
If you’ve solved a jigsaw puzzle, you know the importance of each piece – each has its unique shape...
In today’s technology-saturated world, an average person comes across upto five thousand advertisements per day. Marketing strategies are of...
Knowledge and wisdom – these are two words that hold different meanings but are often used interchangeably. Knowledge is...