We live in a busy world that almost celebrates constant distraction and noise. Most of us tend to get caught up in a race to the top, forgetting to relish the very journey of life. In this era of “too much”, people find themselves simultaneously overstimulated and bored, enriched and empty, and constantly connected yet feeling isolated and lonely. Everything and everyone seems to be competing against each other; and within this never-ending rat-race, we often allow ourselves to be overcome with stress and anxiety while trying to live up to the expectations of others. Hence, many times, we tend to lose hope or even consider ourselves to be failures. In such downcast times, it’s important that we pause, take a moment to reflect and realise how blessed we really are.
When was the last time you paused, sat still with nothing playing in the
background and took time to just be grateful for the blessings in your life? The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God.” This may feel a bit incredible to believe, but God has created each one of us with a purpose, and life can be an exciting journey in which we gratefully unwrap new layers of this purpose each day. And sometimes, this involves standing still in order to refocus on the direction in which God wants us to go. Along with this, acknowledging God as God over our lives can bring ultimate freedom, because it frees us from an obsessive need to control every detail of our life. Wouldn’t it be amazing to be freed from the pressure of a need for control, and to just sit back and enjoy this thrilling journey called life to its fullest?
So I would encourage you to find time, every once in a while, to disconnect from everything around you, turn down the volume of the world and be still in his presence today. Stop being too hard on yourself, give it a pause and don’t worry about the next chapter, because it is already beautifully charted out.