What do we actually live for? Despite our achievements, do we sense purpose or meaning in our lives as we go to bed each night?
We live in a global culture which constantly tells us to focus on investing in our own happiness and passions. Moreover, social media and most of the entertainment we consume often ends up driving us towards comparing our lives with beautifully painted picture-perfect stories.
However, this big bad world also has many people who are depressed, hungry, homeless, and destitute – far too many, actually! So how would it be if we lend a small helping hand daily to people less privileged than us? Could this help us feel that sense of larger purpose or meaning for our lives, even on our worst days?
A life of purpose is actually defined by selflessness. The Bible shows us the epitome of selfless living in Jesus. He took on humanity and did not choose to build houses, mint money or live extravagantly, but rather lived each day to touch the lives of the downtrodden, the depressed and the sick, in order to restore the relationship of a broken humanity with Himself. We may have to compromise our personal comfort or luxury to help somebody else. But that is when we can know that we are truly living it big!