Make a Difference

Anuradha Dey · 1 min read >

Life in the 21st century has become pretty hectic. Each one of us finds multiple things on our plate at any given moment, be it at the home front, at our jobs or studies or with regard to any other personal commitment; all of us are in a constant juggling act. The very competitive environments we live in place a huge emphasis on constantly being at the top of our game, where the minutest delay or slip-up can exact a large cost. Competition, understood in the right sense, can be good in moderate amounts in that it can bring out the full potential of people and communities. But taken to extremes, it can make life a rat-race, to the extent that it makes us desensitized towards the people around us. This is why it is important to have days where we celebrate the importance of rising above ourselves and giving back to society. One such day is the ‘Make a Difference Day’.

This day is observed on the fourth Saturday of October every year, ever since its inception in the year 1992 by the USA Weekend magazine. While it originated in the United States, it is currently observed in about 30 other countries. On this day, thousands of people participate in several events, such as fundraising programs, volunteer trips to senior citizens’ centres, free medical camps, marathons etc. The idea is simply to come together to help our neighbours in any way possible, with a special focus on those within our communities who are in dire need of support of any kind. Even though this is a day that is observed only in some parts of the world, we celebrate it here today because it holds a message that is worth celebrating and amplifying.

When asked what the greatest commandment of God was, the Bible tells us that Jesus replied, “Love God with all your heart, mind and strength, and love your neighbour.” This meant that a wholesome love for one’s neighbour would flow out of a personal love relationship with God. He went on to say that this covered all the moral expectations that God had of us as human beings. Jesus didn’t just preach this; he himself was the epitome of divine love, always caring for the downtrodden and those in need, thus setting an example for us to emulate. This ‘Make a Difference Day’, let us pledge to start doing this, even if it is in the smallest ways. Even our small acts of kindness can have a deep impact on the lives of those around us.

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