“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”.
This saying is by an iconoclastic selfless man, known in India as the ‘father of the nation’ – Mahatma Gandhi. As we commemorated the 73rd year of his martyrdom last week, let us gratefully remember his brave and selfless contributions towards his country, which continue to resonate not just in India, but across the world.
Most of us continuously complain about the various changes we wish to see around us. But have we ever thought of being that change by making the first step? Are we ready to sacrifice our little comforts for the sake of bringing a smile on others’ faces? Are we prepared to walk that extra mile for someone who can do nothing for us in return?
Our selfless acts can profoundly define our existence as human beings, because selfless service to fellow-beings is ultimately a service to God! Let’s take this time to introspect and to recognise the areas where we need to bend that ‘I‘ in us to make it a ‘U‘, in order to give those around us the best of ourselves.