
Study Efficiently and Ace your Exams

It’s the night before the big math exam and you are S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D!!! You’re cramming, books are everywhere, your friends are begging...

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At last, the bell had gone off! Unlike other days, from the heavy steps of the students, one could...

Dec 22 · 1 min read >
nobody understands me

Don’t miss the stitch in Time!

“Hey, did you miss the date again?” asked a very concerned friend, referring to a recent dental appointment of...

Dec 22 · 1 min read >

That Tide in the Affairs of Men – Part 1 of 5

“There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted,...

Dec 22 · 3 min read >

The Star Mechanic

The owner of a Model T-Ford car once found himself by the side of a road with a broken...

Dec 22 · 1 min read >
star mechanic

Pressing Ahead

As we ponder over the year’s endMay we to our own hearts tendAs we did witness a pandemicWhich was...

Dec 22 · 23 sec read >

Knowledge vs Wisdom

Every home a school and every parent a teacher has become the new norm because of the pandemic. For...

Dec 22 · 1 min read >