
Study Efficiently and Ace your Exams

It’s the night before the big math exam and you are S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D!!! You’re cramming, books are everywhere, your friends are begging...

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Did you do your best?

Did you do your best? Let us consider a question most frequently heard with relation to sports, “Who won...

Aug 29 · 2 min read >

The Drill

Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller-skates. There’s plenty of movement, but you never know if it’s...

Aug 29 · 1 min read >

Attitude of Gratitude

The world can be a very glittery place, with many eye-catching sights and moments. Often times, by looking at...

Aug 27 · 41 sec read >

Pearls – Aug 26, 2022

Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. ― Khalil Gibran

Aug 26 · 0 sec read >

Bent but not broken

Don’t we all go through days when we ask, “Why do I even exist?!”, or traumatic experiences when we...

Aug 25 · 1 min read >

Priorities of Life

Some of us have probably heard the story of a teacher who pulled out a huge jar before her...

Aug 24 · 1 min read >