Pray tell me, are you too obsessed with something today?
Are some cycles of thoughts haunting you for no reason whatsoever?
If yes, well, allow me to console you – you aren’t alone.
It is a common ailment called over-thinking.
We can definitely be cured of it. But how?
Let’s analyse the thought cycle. The power to think is a beautiful gift from God, given only to human beings. Thinking is a continuous process, which can be either negative or positive.
The way of thinking differs from person to person. Some may misdiagnose a mild headache as a severe tumor, by brooding over it through the day.
The Bible says ‘Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?’
The malady of overthinking diminishes our present joys. Before giving fuel to a thought, let’s choose wisely – is it a catalyst to our peace of mind and effectiveness as a person? If it isn’t, nip it in the bud.
A wise person rightly said, “If you treat every situation as a life and death matter, you’d die a lot of times.”