Reassuring Hope

Andrea Princy · 1 min read >

Hope. A reassuring word that lightens the burden of a soul going through tough trials in life. A terminology sought by a person who is suffering in the dark for their voice to be heard and scars to be seen.
Day of Hope is held on the first Wednesday in April every year in the US. It is a day of inspiration and motivation for everyone to wake up to the need to rescue children who are passing through phases of abuse of different kinds, sicknesses, and traumatic experiences.
The Day was championed by Yvonne Fedderson and Sara O’Meara which began with their non-profit humanitarian organization, International Orphans Inc., which was later renamed ‘Childhelp’. Its main aim is to fight for the welfare of children all over the world and make them feel accepted and loved. It seeks to provide help and support to child victims all around the world, and also sensitize all and sundry about the need to protect and ensure the safety of children.
Around a billion children across the world experience abuse in a year. A child that grows in a tough environment, abused physically with bruises, scars, broken bones, open flesh wounds, is anxious to open up and the fear silences the pain resulting in costing their lives. As the child grows, so does their emotional intelligence. However if this is not addressed in the right way but abused with curse words, screams, badmouthing, discouragements, the child ends up living in low self-esteem and has no confidence to face life with audacity. The negative emotions such as fever, sadness, anxiety overpowers the positive emotions and attitudes leaving them into emotional dysregulation that must be treated for the child to live life to the fullest. If that does not turn out well, by the time the child grows to an adult, the adult may not be motivated to indulge in social activity leaving them behaviorally impaired in many areas that resulting in isolating themselves from everyone, which worsens may cause the root for suicide. This adult would be experiencing mental disturbances to live a normal life. Too late to save a life, right? The entire life of a person gets ruined just by the abuse in the childhood.
As adults let’s walk for a cause, volunteer and donate to such NGOs that help children and spread the awareness. If we witness any cases of child abuse let’s take interest to report such cases and also support the victims. Children are innocent and let’s take the responsibility on bring out true beauty and elegance out of it and chase away darkness of abuse to bring hope and future for kids around us.

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