Am I in the right relationship?

Cyril Philip · 1 min read >
The Right Relationship, life

We live in a very fast-paced world, that is sometimes so deprived of the right relationship. Being a millennial, I sometimes felt like we had more time in the 90s when we weren’t exposed to cutting-edge technology or the numerous fast-food options we are now. I am not trivializing the utility of these. However, the current pace at which the world moves sometimes makes our perspectives completely hazy about the priorities in life. Our life is like a race, and we keep running harder to go as fast as possible. At times, to keep up with the pace of those around us, we forget to put genuine effort and time into our most important commitments.

What is the most precious thing in our life? Is it making money and being successful? While all of that is a part of the game, I believe and am convinced that, as human beings, we all should be able to think beyond that. We need to ask ourselves what we need from our life.

When I stop and ponder more on this fundamental question, the word ‘relationship’ floats to the top of my list. When I say ‘relationships’, it can be an association with our family or friends or even romantic connections.
As social beings, we all feel the need to be loved and wanted. And all of us wish for love that is ultimately reliable and will never let us down. This is how we are made or wired. Healthy relationships give joy to our souls and refresh us. But when we don’t receive the warmth and love we long for, we naturally disappoint. Every relationship we are part of might not satisfy our expectations of how we want to be treated. This can be because of our unrealistic expectations, demands in the relationship or the lack of understanding from the other person.

This is where I want to point you to a person called Jesus. According to the Bible, each of us, created by God, to have an intimate relationship with him is why all of us long for perfect love. However, sin separated humankind from God. That is why Christ came into this world, to restore our broken relationship with God. So that we could enjoy and experience genuine love and natural care in its pure form. People hated Him, but that did not stop Him from demonstrating His selfless love toward us. He proved that He is the ultimate expression of love by giving up His life. The death of Christ is the epitome of true love.

Have you experienced His steadfast love and the warmth of His care? Would you like a relationship that never fades away, no matter what? The relationships in this world can break down and might be hard to fix once broken. But the only relationship that remains rock-solid even through death is the one with Christ Jesus. He holds us in His hands and never fails us. So if you haven’t yet come into a relationship with Christ, I invite you to let Him into your heart right now. I assure you that your life will never be the same again.

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