To a more perfect love!

Venus Kumar · 56 sec read >

Love – many of us will realize is much easier to show what it is, than it would be to say what it is! And yet surprisingly many also try to explain what it is than express what it is! The reason being we’d like people to “know” we love them rather than to “feel” we love them.

What’s the difference, you’d say or wonder?

The difference is that when we want people to “know” we love them, it is because the focus is on “us”; and when we want them to “feel” someone loves them, the focus is “them”!

Love is many things – kind, benevolent, patient, giving and forbearing but one thing it is not is selfish! True love, is not and cannot, be about the one who loves because it is always about the one who is loved. And it is no more clearly evident than in how God loves us. Irrespective of our infidelities, indiscretions, and indefinite failures to live up to His expectations, God loves us all the same and just as much.

As someone said, we can never do anything to make God love us more, nor can we do anything to make God love us less. God’s love is perfect and complete – because His love is about us, than Him!

Our love can never be perfect, because we ourselves aren’t so. But the only manner in which we can emulate the perfect love, is to make our love all about the one who’s loved than the one who loves!

Have a Blessed & Loving Day!

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