Christmas season is back again! And it’s the time of the year which is filled with joy, laughter, love and holidays! But have you ever wondered, if that is what Christmas is all about!? Is there something else to it? Just think for a moment, the only man in the history of this world, who even separated the timelines of the era any human lived in, and created such a major impact at every dimension you can imagine. Can His born day be just surmised with just some fancy celebrations? What does Christmas mean to you?
Jesus’ birth was eventful with angels singing praises on the night He was born and kings seeking him from far off lands to worship and adore Him. He wasn’t born in a palace or wrapped in silk. He was born in the most unexpected and supernatural way by virgin birth and many longed for His birth which was prophesied centuries ago. His birth changed the world, the course of nations, split history, changed millions and millions of lives around the world; transforming the worst sinner to a righteous person. The light of the world came to seek and save the lost ones in darkness. Jesus committed no sin and He came to rescue sinners. He came to show the way to the Father. He was born for this very reason and He fulfilled it.
What does Christmas mean to you? Far from the media portrayal, Christmas isn’t about cakes, trees and Santa Claus. It is the ultimate gift God gave for humankind; the life-giving story of Love that came down for us.
the highest heavens cannot contain him yet he condescends to find a place within our hearts.
Charles Spurgeon
Jesus Christ doesn’t want a place in the cradle; he wants a place in your heart. God demonstrated His unending Love by giving His one and only Son for us. When God sent Jesus to us, He sent His own heart. The Bible says that God celebrates Jesus’ birth in our hearts with great rejoicing in Heaven. When Jesus Christ alone is in the centre of it all, the real meaning of Christmas is portrayed in its fullness! So, ponder on this thought once again – what does Christmas mean to you personally?
Open your heart and mind to Christ this Christmas season and let JESUS fill the vacuum in your life.