On Monday, The Council For The Indian School Certification Examination (CISCE) issued revised date sheets for the exams shortly after the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) had revised its class 10 and 12 date sheets. As per the new schedule, no exams will be held on May 13, 15 and June 12 due to ‘unavoidable circumstances’ and subsequently some changes have been made in the timetable.
Gerry Arathoon, CICSE’s Chief Executive and Secretary said that the 10th exam will be conducted from May 5 to June 7 and 12th exam from April 8 to June 16. “The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), which is class 10 exam, will be conducted from May 5 to June 7. The Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), which is class 12 exam, will be conducted from April 8 to June 16,” he said.
Four exams have been rescheduled for ICSE or Class 10 and for ISC or class 12 students, eight subjects have been rescheduled.
The exams will be held with all the COVID precautions. Candidates must follow the Covid-19 safety protocols. They must wear a mask, carry a hand sanitizer and should avoid touching the face with their hands. The usage of gloves are optional. Candidates must carry their own stationery/art material thus avoiding the sharing of things with the other candidates. As per the guidelines provided by CISCE, if the candidates are not feeling well, then they should inform the supervising examiner or invigilator.
Gerry also said that the results will be issued by the month of July. “The results will be issued through the convenors to the heads of schools by July. The results will not be available from office of council in New Delhi and no queries will be entertained from candidates, parents or guardians,” he said.
Applications for the recheck of the answer scripts must be submitted online and should be received by the Council’s office no later than seven days from the day of declaration of the results. The Council will not retain answer scripts of candidates later than 60 days from the day of the declaration of results. The same shall be destroyed thereafter, the CISCE informed in official notice.
Candidates who are reappearing for the board exams in 2022 will have to be enlisted online in August/ September Year 2021 through the Heads of Schools concerned.
The students need to score 33 marks to clear the ICSE exam and at least 40 per cent marks in each subject as well as aggregate to clear ISC exam.