Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray said that the state could soon go under a complete lockdown once again, as the Corona Virus cases continue to surge with almost 7000 new cases now being reported on a daily basis. All public gatherings, functions, and social events will be banned from today as the government looks to arrest this surge in new infections even as the vaccination drive continues apace.
The CM, in a televised address, also appealed to the public that they must wear masks while in public and maintain strict social discipline to defeat the virus and ward off the possibility of the lockdown. The government and health authorities will closely monitor developments over the next 10-15 days before deciding on the next course of action for the state.
“If the (Covid-19) situation deteriorates, then we have to impose lockdown. Those who want lockdown can roam around without mask while those who don’t want it must wear mask and follow all the rules,” the chief ministered said.
“Lockdown may not be the solution to Covid-19, but it is the only option to break the cycle of the virus,” he added.
Several city & district administrations are now looking at imposing city or district-level restrictions as the corona virus numbers continue to head northward. Pune, Nashik and Amaravati district administrations have either imposed lockdowns or curbs on public movement/gatherings.
The Mumbai Police said that it was now empowered to issue challans to those not wearing a mask, even as several incidents of flouting social distancing norms were reported from all over the state of Maharashtra.
“Dear Mumbaikars, Mumbai Police is now authorised to issue challans to offenders not wearing a mask too. Every time we find you for not wearing a helmet or seatbelt it was always to remind you the value of your life & safety. Same for masks. Please take care. You matter to us,” said Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh in a statement on his social media handle.
Meanwhile, the district administration in Amaravati has decided to go for a seven-day lockdown as the state recorded 6,971 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday. There were 2,417 recoveries, and 35 deaths in the last 24 hours, as per a statement issued by the State Health Department.
The lockdown in the district will commence on Monday, from 8pm onwards, and will remain in force until 8am on 1st March 2021.
“During the lockdown, all shops, except those dealing in essential commodities, will remain shut along with the government and private educational institutions, private coaching classes, training schools. People can buy items of daily need from 9 am to 5 pm,” said State Minister Yashomati Thakur following a review with the district administration on Sunday.
Cinema houses, gyms, swimming pools, and parks will remain shut, and gatherings for entertainment, educational, cultural, religious purposes etc will not be permitted, the minister added.