Music : God’s Gift

Bastin Thomas · 1 min read >
Music is God's Gift

Music is God’s gift as it’s created by God Himself and it can be related to joy, praise, victory and many more. The angels used to worship God from the beginning, and music is one of the main components of a good worship song. While the lyrics of the songs are the building blocks, the real breath of life is poured into the song when music is added to it.

The privilege to worship Him, once only held by the angels, was given to us mere humans by God. Among all His other creations, we were His favourite, so He chose us primarily to ascribe to the LORD the glory due to His name.

If we observe carefully, God has made this earth so wonderfully that music can be found in each and every creation. The sound of birds chirping in the morning, the sound of the breeze, the sound of waves, and the beats of the heart— all these have music in them. But God gave a privilege to humans that we can create, understand, and enjoy music like Him.

God is pleased when His children sing to Him. Even though the best music in the world will not be of any worth when compared to what is in heaven, God still loves to hear from us mere humans. What He weighs or focuses on is the heart of His favourite creation, His children, rather than the music itself.

That is why God was pleased with David in the Bible because, even though he was a great worshipper and skilled musician, his foundation was based on God’s heart. In the Bible, God Himself testifies regarding David that he was after God’s heart.

It’s a great privilege that God that has given to His children to worship Him. Therefore, let us lean on our God so that the worship we offer will not be just a performance but instead a real reflection of what God has done in our lives. May our songs arise out of gratefulness for His never-changing faithfulness.

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