A New Day is a New Opportunity

Alexis Wilkins · 1 min read >
new year resolution

It doesn’t have to be the first day of the year to make a new year resolution or find a renewed drive.

It’s not just the first day of the year where you usually jot down your new year resolution that matters. But every day of our life is a new beginning, a chance to start afresh and a unique opportunity to live life purposefully.

Each day is a new page in the diary of our life, and with each day, we are given a renewed mind and strength, a chance to correct our mistakes and have another go at what we have failed to achieve; a chance to be a better person with a better vision for what lies ahead.

In order to seize these fresh opportunities, we need to stay away from dwelling on “what might have been” and change our focus to “what can be”, for nothing is impossible with God. A renowned American author, once said – “It doesn’t matter what your present circumstance looks like, today is a brand new day and God wants to do a new thing in your life and in your relationship with him.”

What was the new year resolution you made at the dawn of this year?

The Bible tells us that God has a plan for our lives, and regardless of our current situation, he can work through it to prosper us and give us hope and a future. Keeping in mind this promise, let’s strive forward and use the opportunity of a new day to its fullest. We cannot undo the past, but we can change the future by making right the present, by committing our plans into God’s hands.

So today if you find yourself going completely offtrack from the new year resolution that you made at the start of this year, then do know this fact that it is never too late to do a course correction and make it right in the present day.

5 Replies to “A New Day is a New Opportunity”

  1. Wow Lexi. How true. You have grown up to be a wonderful person. I have taught you and know you so well. May God bless you abundantly. Keep striving and you will surely reach there. Love you loads.

  2. Yes, ….absolutely true….God gives each of us a chance to start over again so we must make the most of it…

  3. Wow it’s wonderful ! This pandemic period has helped you grow ! Keep going my darling and with God you will achieve your goal. God bless.

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