Overcoming Jealousy

Pheba George · 1 min read >
overcome jealousy

Have you ever felt jealous? Well, most of us would answer it by a β€œyes”. And we have to accept the fact that jealousy is one of the most common human emotions. But on the other hand it is one of the most dangerous emotions if not acted upon the right way. Hence, it is important for us to understand the cause of jealousy and how to deal with such situations.

β€œIf you get that jealous twinge, ask yourself what lies at the root of it. Then take time to change what you don’t like in order to get what you want.”


What is the root cause of Jealousy?

If we carefully analyze, we can find that most of the time, jealousy is directly linked to low self-esteem. Most of the times, people are often very critical of themselves. This might also be because many people have faced rejections and incidents were their self-esteem was hurt. The jealous person might feel insecure about himself/herself. He/she might feel not being good enough. In such situations one must always remember not to let jealousy – the green eyed monster – overcome us and don’t let ourselves act rashly. The problems that arise as a result of jealousy is mostly because of β€œnot so thought-through” reactions which we give.

β€œA sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.”


While we are living in a virtual world, most often people tend to feel envious seeing the achievements of their friends posted in social network. We start comparing our lives with them and as a result hurt ourselves in the process.

β€œOur envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.”


How do we overcome?

To overcome jealousy we can start cultivating small habits in our everyday life. Start analyzing why are we feeling jealous in first place, why are we critical about ourselves? When we find the root cause, it is often easier to work on it. We must realize that every individual is unique and we are made in such a way by our Creator. We need to find out what are the fields in which we are talented and find ways to improve on it. Starting a new hobby and working on ourselves can go a long way to avoid being self-critic and comparing our lives with others. Take time to analyze yourself and speak to a trusted person if you are unable to overcome the evil emotion of being jealous. There is nothing wrong in seeking help from an expert because being jealous can sometimes lead to extreme self-hatred and being self-critic which can be hurtful in many ways.

It will never be a cakewalk to overcome these emotions but once we learn how to deal with such situations, we will become much more emotionally strong, grateful and content person. We will be able to face life with a whole new outlook.

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