
Study Efficiently and Ace your Exams

It’s the night before the big math exam and you are S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D!!! You’re cramming, books are everywhere, your friends are begging...

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Commit to Quit

Committing to quit smoking is not only a decision to safeguard your own health, but also an act of...

May 31 · 1 min read >
quit smoking

Pearls – May 9, 2023

“Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember — the only taste of success some people get is to take a...

May 9 · 5 sec read >
Zig Ziglar quotes

Prioritizing Mental Health for Students

Mental well-being is an important issue that is often undervalued among students. According to the National Association of School Psychologists,...

Apr 12 · 3 min read >
habits to improve mental health

The Best Tips and Tricks to Prepare for all your Entrance Exams

As various entrance exams are approaching, parents and students are alike on their toes. There are students who have...

Apr 6 · 1 min read >
Preparing foe competitive exams: Best tips and tricks

Way to greatness

There was a girl named Jessica who was leading a project in her company. She was very good at...

Mar 31 · 1 min read >
true greatness

Even When it Hurts

The Holocaust Survivor Eddie Jaku was born in Germany in 1920 and was Jewish. Yet, in his own words,...

Mar 22 · 1 min read >
choose to be happy

Recharge the Right Way

Be it a child or an adult, in today’s world all of us are leading a hectic life. In...

Mar 14 · 1 min read >
relax and recharge

Time Boxing

Timeboxing is a technique used by many successful people. It can help you achieve better results in your exam...

Mar 7 · 2 min read >
what is timeboxing

Digital Detox

What is Digital Detoxification? Digital detoxification is the practice of taking a break from technology and digital devices for...

Mar 4 · 2 min read >
Digital Detoxification