
Study Efficiently and Ace your Exams

It’s the night before the big math exam and you are S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D!!! You’re cramming, books are everywhere, your friends are begging...

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Rest for the Restless

Increasing levels of restlessness in society The world is experiencing an unprecedented level of restlessness. Never has there ever...

Mar 2 · 1 min read >
how to overcome restlessness

The Paradox of Modern Love

It’s Valentine’s week; love is in the air. It’s a sweet fragrance for some, while for some it reeks...

Feb 14 · 1 min read >
modern love

Overcoming Jealousy

Have you ever felt jealous? Well, most of us would answer it by a “yes”. And we have to...

Feb 14 · 1 min read >
overcome jealousy

Pearls – Feb 16, 2023

To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul’s paradox of love. A W Tozer

Feb 14 · 4 sec read >
AW Tozer Quotes

Counting blessings over failures

Recently a video went viral online, in which a small guy sings, “Lord I thank you for sunshine, I...

Feb 2 · 1 min read >
Counting blessings over failures

When you need help with your New Year resolution

Quick check! We are already into the second month of the new year. Are we still on track with...

Feb 1 · 1 min read >
when you need help with your new year resolutions

Why do we break New Year Resolutions?

We have officially entered a brand-new year, 2023! And for many of us once again this might be a...

Jan 6 · 1 min read >
Why do we break new year resolutions

New Light, New Hope

We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR Katherine Johnson was a mathematician...

Dec 27 · 1 min read >
New Light New Hope

What’s your take away from this year?

Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned Frank Sonnenberg Researchers from Columbia University reviewed numerous studies...

Dec 22 · 1 min read >
take away from this year

What does Christmas mean to you?

Christmas season is back again! And it’s the time of the year which is filled with joy, laughter, love...

Dec 20 · 1 min read >
What does Christmas mean to you