
Words that Build

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. MOTHER TERESA Most of...

Jan 29 · 55 sec read >

Beauty for Ashes

Have you ever felt that you have been walking on the ashes of your hopes that were burnt down?...

Jan 20 · 36 sec read >

Hope as an anchor

Imagine yourself in a pitch dark cave, clueless as to what you’ll encounter at your next move, and you...

Jan 19 · 32 sec read >

Strength in Uncertainty

A few days ago, users of Dictionary.com selected the word ‘unprecedented’ as the People’s Choice 2020 Word of the...

Jan 5 · 1 min read >
I am with you always: strength in uncertainty

Moulded To Be Bold

It is said one should be grateful for those times that make one strong. The previous year was a...

Jan 4 · 56 sec read >

It’s Time to Restart

“A Sunrise is God’s way of saying, “Let’s start again.” – Todd Stocker While facing tough times, generally people...

Dec 28 · 1 min read >

Race of Life

Along the muddy road,Goes the Rickshaw man,Sweaty and tired,He strives forward,Life is not a gamble to him,Reality was never...

Dec 24 · 18 sec read >

Unworthy and Unknown

Very often in the dark dingy phases of our lives, it may forever seem impossible to see light. We...

Dec 23 · 49 sec read >

There is Still Hope

As life gets tough, we tend to lose hope and this is perfectly normal. At times, we fail to...

Dec 22 · 33 sec read >