Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation on Tuesday, amidst the steep rise in the country’s daily cases of Covid-19, and urged the state governments to use lockdown only as the last resort.
“I urge state governments to use lockdown only as the last option,” PM Modi said. He added that “I also urge the states to consider lockdowns to be the last option and focus more on creating micro-containment zones.”
Calling on citizens & youngsters to come forward in this hour of crisis to help those in need, he also appreciated various NGOs already working in this regard. He stressed the need to fight together against the pandemic to prevent the country from entering another lockdown.
Calling the second wave of Covid-19 a “storm,” PM Modi said that he was fully aware of what people are going through. Expressing condolences on behalf of the nation to those who have lost their loved ones, he said “I understand your pain. Express my sympathies to those who lost their loved ones to Covid-19.” He called the pandemic a big “challenge,” which can be defeated with determination, courage and preparation. He also thanked the relentless efforts of the frontline workers and praised them for their service.
On the issue related to oxygen supply, he said that the Centre, state governments and private sectors are working to make sure that oxygen is supplied to everyone who needs it. Efforts are on to increase the number of beds for Covid patients in hospitals, he added. He also added that the Pharma sector has increased the production of medicines and the availability is much higher now as compared to January or February this year. The Prime Minister also said that one shouldn’t lose patience no matter what the situation is and remarked that the steps announced in the last few days will help in improving the situation.
PM Modi also added that India has the world’s cheapest vaccines against Covid-19. Further on the Central government’s decision to open vaccination for everyone above the age of 18 from May 1, he said that this will ensure rapid vaccination for the urban workforce. “I request the youth to form small committees in their colonies and apartments to ensure Covid-19 guidelines are followed as this would help the state government avoid establishing containment zones or impose curfews and there would be no question of a lockdown,” PM Modi added.